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Are Parents Allowed to Go Through Your Phone? Know Your Privacy Rights

Cody Walsh Cody Walsh

Feb 13, 2025 03:55 pm

The clash between a child’s desire for independence and personal boundaries with a parent's concerns about online safety is prevalent, especially in this digital age. Unless the child is mature, parents are legally responsible for keeping them safe from online dangers. The predators, cyberbullies, and attackers can lurk from anywhere, unnoticed by the child. So, if you wonder if your parents are allowed to go through your phone, the answer is yes.

are parents allowed to go through
    your phone

This guide details everything in detail, including your privacy rights and the laws by location. It also shares some tips on how you can talk to your parents about phone privacy.

Part 1. Can Parents Legally Go Through Your Phone?

Yes, parents can generally access your phone for safety purposes. Legally, they are responsible for keeping you safe and monitoring your whereabouts. However, this might depend on multiple factors mentioned in the following sections.

1Parental Rights and Minor Privacy

The effect of social media on children and teenagers has been a major concern. According to the Ofcom Survey, 75% expressed their concerns about encountering age-inappropriate content online. The US government has repeatedly urged parents to keep their kids safe. It involves monitoring screen time, discussing online safety, and using parental controls on the phone.

Under US law, minors generally don’t have any right to privacy from their parents. They can access their child’s belongings, including their phones, to keep them safe. So, the answer to whether parents are allowed to go through your phone would be a yes.

Then there’s the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) for children under 13. It provides the parents control over the information the websites collect from their children.

However, there’s a thin line between vigilant parenting and outright snooping. Parents stifling through the calls, messages, and other phone details can harm the trust of their kids. It potentially results in strained relationships and affects communication.

2What If You Pay for Your Own Phone?

If you’re wondering if your parents can legally take your phone if you pay for it, the answer is yes too, to some degree. When you pay for a phone, you’re likely somewhat mature. They can still have parental control over your phone unless you are adult.

According to Statista, around 95% of teens aged 13 to 17 have smartphone access. A minor's phone privacy is directly affected by their legal capacity to provide consent, typically 18 in the US. So, yes, parents can access your phone even if you pay for it.

3Laws by Location: Are Parents Allowed to Go Through Your Phone in California or Other States?

In California or other states, there is no explicit law stating whether parents can examine their children's phones. The State of California advises parents to look into their children's smartphones, review the apps, and ensure there isn’t anything malicious or harmful. Parents must also have regular smartphone conversations. If they discover anything new, they are entitled to discuss it with their children.

The situation is similar in other states, such as Texas. As per Texas Family Code § 153.001, children must have continuing contact with their parents, who can provide a safe and stable environment. So, unless kids reach a legal age, which is 18, parents can always check their phones.

Right Tool for Parental Control

  • Location Tracking: Track kids' cell phones location in real time and view their location histories.

  • Listen to Surrounding Sound: You can listen to children surrounding sound remotely to know what happens around them.

  • Keyword Alerts: Parents can set harmful and dangerous keywords alerts, if your children typing in something inappropriate. You will receive a notification with a related screenshot as soon as possible.

Part 2. Can Parents Go Through Your Phone Without Permission?

Yes, parents can go through kids’ phones without permission in most jurisdictions. It is primarily because they are legally responsible for ensuring their child's digital safety and well-being. This includes monitoring the child’s digital activity. However, as the child matures, they might gain a right to privacy, and direct communication is preferred over phone access.

Part 3. What Do People Say about This?

People's responses to this subject matter are mixed. Some feel parents have the right to keep their kids safe, even if it includes phone access. There were also many contrasting responses. Here’s what a user said when asked if it should be legal for a parent to look at their child’s phone.

opinion of a quora user


On the other hand, a Reddit user had a completely contrasting viewpoint on the topic.

opinion of a reddit user


Barring the general users, experts have voted in favor of the debate. For safety purposes, parents can always access their kids’ smartphones. Here’s what one attorney has to say on this:

opinion of an expert attorney


Part 4. How to Talk to Your Parents About Phone Privacy

First, a child must understand that it’s not that parents don’t trust you; they don’t trust the people outside. They are concerned about you and your safety. Now you understand why they might snoop over your phone, it’s easier to communicate with them.

You must talk to them. Tell them you understand their point of view and concern, but you also need privacy. It’d be better if you chalk out some rules. Some examples can be:

  • Fix the time you’re on your phone, and they can take it away once you cross it.

  • Consider them your friends, and share each event in your life with them. This way, your parents won't need to spy on you.

  • If you’re outside, you must text or call your parents to update them on your actions.

  • If you’ve tried to speak with your guardian and can’t convince them, think of a family member who can talk on your behalf.

Following these, you can better understand the parents and gradually improve this concept of privacy over time.


Can my parents look through my phone without permission?

Yes, if you are under 18 years old, your parents can look through your phone without permission. They can do it to keep you safe from cyberbullying, hacking, or other online dangers.

Is it okay for my parents to go through my phone?

Yes. Parents can legally check your phone, especially if you’re young. However, stifling it on a routine basis, even if you’re over 18, might not be okay.

Is it OK for parents to look through their child's phone?

Yes. If you’re concerned about your child's safety or they are acting suspiciously, you can look for their child’s phone. It would also be better to establish some ground rules to monitor them.

At what age should parents stop going through phones?

Legally, parents stop going through phones when their child turns 18 years old. According to most experts, parents should gradually decrease their phone checking as their child reaches their teenage years, ideally aiming to stop completely by the time they are around 16 or 17.

Do kids deserve privacy?

Yes. As kids grow older, parents might consider providing them with more privacy and personal space. It’s because the child is exploring new ideas, emotions, and social interests. And, naturally, they might want to keep them on their own as they do this.


While parents are allowed to go through your phone, it’s best to have an open conversation about the concerns and privacy expectations. This is especially important as your child gets older and more mature. Legally, it’s around 18, but a child typically understands what’s good and what’s needed at around 16-17. So, it’s crucial to consider the age and specific situation for the parents to decide whether to go through the phone.

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By Cody Walsh

An experienced technology blogger and editor who has spent more than a decade writing about software, gadgets, and computing etc all over the Internet.

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