Probably you are reading this article because you have a problem understating text codes such as PyMos, TYSM, L8R and other social media lingo that your child uses. If you are not a millennial, then chances are you will have a problem understanding the language your children use in reference to social media. If you worry about your kids' safety on social media and have inquiries, for example, is Snapchat safe for kids? The good news is that you can easily understand all these text and number codes if you develop a key interest in social media channels such as Snapchat. If you still want to understand what does Pymos mean, then read on.
What does Pymos mean?
Pymos is a native Snapchat vocabulary that has been in use since 2013. It simply means "Put Me On Your Snapchat". While this word is not the most popular on the platform it gained notoriety in 2016 when almost everyone on the social media platform was using it. Today people still use the Pymos when they want to be added to their friend's stories. Social media is all about reach and admiration. If you see an image of someone with the word Pymos then it is my hope that will now know what that means.
Other Popular Snapchat Language:
Besides Pymos many other Snapchat text codes can be quite confusing if you are not a regular user of the platform. Some of the most popular Snapchat text codes to take note of include:
Snapstreak is a way for two snap users to maintain contact with each other. When two users on the platform snap each other several times within 24 hours for three days consecutively, then a flame emoji with a number showing the days the steak has been maintained will appear next to the names of the two Snapchat users. This is what Snapstreaks is all about. It is a simple way to show how long two users have been in contact with each other on daily basis.
This has nothing to do with gasoline used in cars. Instead, it is the short form of the phrase "Good Afternoon Streaks". It is a term used to refer to streaks people maintain in the afternoon. If you consistently get in touch with a friend on Snapchat in the afternoon then the Snapstreak you maintain is a GAS. It is often used with related terms GMS and GNS which means "Good Morning Streaks" and Good Night Streaks" respectively.
Probably you have been seeing the phrase "SO" a lot lately. This is the short form of "Shoutout". It is borrowed from the music world where fans or even musicians call out their fans or each other over the radio or at events. It is a simple way of calling out someone.
Snapchat is all about sharing beautiful photos for most teenagers. The users of the platform, therefore, use the text code OOTD when calling attention to their clothing. It stands for "Outfit of the day".
Snapchat Fam
Many teenagers and millennials have more meaningful friendships on social media than in real life. They consider those who interact with them on social media as family. The code Snapchat Fam therefore simply refers to "Snapchat Family".
This is a simple abbreviation that is used to say "I See You Missed It". It is often used when you want to tell your Snapchat contact that you send them a snap that apparently they did not see.
SFS on Snapchat stands for "Shoutout For Shoutout" or "Snap For Snap". It is used where users want to mutually promote each other's content. If you upload content with the word SFS others will like it knowing that will also find their photos and click the like button.
What Makes People Abbreviate?
Once you start considering questions such as "what does Pymos on Snapchat mean?" Then you are likely wondering why do people prefer abbreviations while on social media? There are many reasons why people use abbreviations while on social media. Some of the most common reasons for making abbreviations include:
1. Use of Smartphones
Today more than half of the world's population. According to Backlinko more about 99% of the people on social media do so on mobile devices. Generally, mobile devices have smaller keyboards and therefore users of these devices use abbreviations because it is easier to do so on such devices.
2. Accelerated Life Pace
Today people access social media while on when traveling, when at work or while doing other things. Therefore they don't have the luxury of time to type long words in full. This makes use of abbreviations becomes very attractive.
3. It is Cultural
Language has always been a cultural thing. Today many people on social media belong to the same age bracket irrespective of their native countries. People of the same age group often form a cultural grouping with similar leanings. Using abbreviations that only members of the cultural group understand is, therefore, more attractive to the use of these abbreviations.
4. Twitter Influence
Before 2017 Twitter limited posts to only 140 characters. Most users of the platform were therefore forced to use abbreviations when communicating on the platform. This has influenced the use of abbreviations on other social media professionals.
Types of Texting Code
Type 1: Harmless Codes
These are simple abbreviations of common words and phrases. They are harmless and don't pose any danger to anyone. Examples of these codes include:
- LOL which means: laughing out loud
- GR8 which means: great
- IRL which means: in real life
- TYVM which means: thank you very much
- IMHO which means: in my humble opinion
- BRB which means: be right back
- J/K which means: just kidding
- L8R which means: later
- NP which means: no problem
- WYD which means: what you doing?
Type 2: Sensitive Codes
These are common social media codes that may mean that someone is engaged in behavior that contravenes the social norms. Examples of sensitive social media codes include:
- 4YEO to mean: For your eyes only
- KPC to Mean: Keeping parents clueless
- NSFW to Mean: Not safe for work
- TDTM to Mean: Talk dirty to me
- P911 to Mean: Parent alert
- PAW to Mean: Parents are watching
- PIR to Mean: Parent in room
- POS to Mean: Parents over shoulder / Piece of s***
- QQ to mean: Crying.
- SOS to Mean: Someone over shoulder
- SWAK to Mean: Sealed with a kiss
- TIME to Mean: Tears in my eyes
- VSF to Mean: Very sad face
- WTPA to Mean: Where's the party at?
Type 3: Dangerous Codes
These are social media codes that may mean someone is in danger or engages in illegal activities. Examples of dangerous social media codes include:
- KMS which means: kill myself
- FWB which means: friends with benefits
- 1174 which means: meet at a party spot
- IWSN which means: I want sex now
- ADR which means: what's your address
- 99 which means: parents are gone
- LMIRL which means: let's meet in real life
- MPFB which means: my personal f*** buddy
- WTTP which means: want to trade photos?
- KYS which means: kill yourself
- GNOC which means: get naked on camera.
- PAL which means: parents are listening
- MOS which means: mom over the shoulder
- POS which means: parent over shoulder
- CD9 which means: parents around
- TWD which means: texting while driving
- GYPO which means: get your pants off
- LH6 which means: let's have sex
- CU46which means: see you for sex
When Parents Get should Worry about their Children Using a Text Code
While most of the text codes that teenagers use online are harmless some should make you worried as a parent. Some of the text codes are a clever way children use to discuss serious matters such as bullying, drug use, suicidal thoughts and illicit sex. This is why it is important to pay keen interest to insensitive and dangerous text codes to safeguard the safety and life of your children.
If you discover that your child uses sensitive and dangerous codes most of the time then you should get worried. Most importantly at this juncture, you need to take action to help your kid. Remember this is a process and not an event and may take time before things go back to normal.
What Should Parents Do When Kids Are Using Code?
When you find out that your child uses some sensitive codes when online or texting friends you need to find a way to help the child. Some of the ways to help your child include:
Understand the meaning of Each Text Code
Not every texting code your child uses is a sign of danger. If you discover that you can't tell what your child talks about when chatting with others the first step you should take is to make an effort and learn the different codes teenagers and young adults use on Snapchat and when texting. Learning different codes will help you be able to tell if the texting code your child users are harmful or not. Don't overreact without having a clear understanding of what your child talks about. this is important because some codes are harmless short forms of ordinary English phrases.
Keep Eyes on Sensitive Code
The only way to ensure the safety of your child when online and that they don't get involved in illegal activities is to keep an eye on them. This can be a tall order if you don't know what to do. But, you no longer need to worry about that. Using the KidsGuard Pro for Android app, you can get access to your child's browsing history, read their Snapchat messages, track their social media activities and see photos and videos on their phone in real-time. This will help you keep an eye on places they visit on the internet and the texting codes they use. Now with your understanding of texting codes, you can make sound judgement based on how sensitive the texting is.

Track the real time location and view location history
Check all incoming and outgoing calls & SMS
Monitor app activities and know which app is frequently used
Remotely access the files on the target phone, like contacts, photos, call logs,keylogger, etc.
Monitor social media apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Viber, WeChat and more
Tips for Parents to Deal with Sensitive/Dangerous Code
1. Don't Be Too Judgmental
Times have changed. Some of the things today children are not very serious as they were your time. Relax and try to understand the context before you take action.
2. Learn More From Child
The best place to learn about your child is from them. If you notice your child is using wired language on social media try your best to learn more from them. This is important to find a link between the language and their behavior.
3. Try Being Diplomatic About the Whole Situation
The truth is teenagers use some texting codes because they know what they talk about is sensitive. This means that getting mad at the child or even trying a direct approach may backfire on you and make the situation even worse.
4. Let Your Child Know That You Know What They Talk About
Use the same texting codes as they do and let your kid know that you know what they know. This will bring some sense of reality to your kids.
Be willing to talk about controversial topics such as teenage sex and suicide. This way you will be able to understand your child better and thus offer better guidance.
5. Assure Your Child of Your Care and Love
Text coding on social media can be a sign of even a bigger problem. Your child could be a bully or even worse. To help your child you need to assure them that you care and that you love them. This is important to build trust.
6. Provide Parental Love and Guidance
If your child is going astray the only way to help them is to find out what they are doing and guide them with love. Don't punish them and don't be overly restrictive. A child that knows text codes will easily find another way to avoid your monitoring if you try to be harsh about the situation.
7. Seek Professional Help Where Possible
Sometimes your child may be in a larger problem. If this is the case then talk to the child and seek professional help for them. Remember that you have to care for your child no matter what.
Texting code is a major issue for parents. However, this should not worry you. Most of the texting codes kids use are a harmless short form of everyday English words and phrases. However, if your child is always on social media you need to get the KidsGuard Pro for Android to monitor their activities so that you can be sure that there is simply harmless banter and keep their safety.